Concorso internazionale LAGI – Land Art Generator

LAGI 2019 Publication

Il progetto RED GIANT è stato selezionato per la pubblicazione LAGI 2019 BOOK contenente 65 progetti. Pubblicato da Prestel  (una divisione di Random House), sarà presentato a gennaio 2020 al World Future Energy Summit.

Land Art Generator fornisce una piattaforma per artisti, architetti, architetti del paesaggio e altri creativi che lavorano con ingegneri e scienziati per proporre soluzioni per infrastrutture energetiche sostenibili che migliorano la città e le opere d’arte pubblica ealimentandi  in modo pulito migliaia di case.

LAGI 2019 Publication

The RED GIANT project has been selected to be published in the LAGI 2019 book featuring 65 submissions will be published with Prestel (a division of Random House) and will be released in January 2020 at the World Future Energy Summit.

The Land Art Generator provides a platform for artists, architects, landscape architects, and other creatives working with engineers and scientists to bring forward solutions for sustainable energy infrastructures that enhance the city as works of public art while cleanly powering thousands of homes.

LAGI 2019

SITE TYPOLOGY: city portal

LAGI 2019 Abu Dhabi—Return to the Source—invited creatives to design an iconic work of art for a landmark site within Masdar City, Abu Dhabi using renewable energy technology as a medium of creative expression to provide on-site energy production consistent with the master plan of the city.

Masdar is the Arabic word for “source.” As the name of Abu Dhabi’s multifaceted renewable energy company and most ambitious low-carbon development, it is a reference to the Sun, the source of energy that sustains life on Earth, drives the wind and waves, and that over millions of years powered the transfer of ancient carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and into the ground, creating a climate habitable to humans.

“Source” also has meaning within the context of the Land Art Generator initiative, which was established in the UAE in 2008. The first LAGI design competition was supported by Masdar and the award ceremony took place at the 2011 World Future Energy Summit, where eight years later the 2019 LAGI design competition is launched.

This year’s special edition is in partnership with the 24th World Energy Congress, the largest and most influential global energy event, that has been a forum for innovation and dialogue on energy issues for 95 years. The 24th World Energy Congress will be the venue for the exhibition of 28 shortlisted projects designed for Masdar City.


LAGI 2019 is sponsored by Masdar



LAGI 2019 is held in partnership with / and is an official side event of the 24th World Energy Congress


Totem Project - Alessandro Pongan

2017 © Alessandro Pongan - Tutti i diritti riservati